Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A Dream Deterred

Like I had stated before, there were a bunch of things I never did in FFXI.   Mostly high level things like murdering the shit out of HNMs. Not because I didn't want to. Oh, no, you guys have it all wrong.

Who wouldn't want plan for months, gather a huge team of mighty warriors with poor grammar, get killed by Tiamat serial times until you land a lucky shot, get a drop, and wear something that would be obsolete in a few patches?

Sounds like a grand old time to me.

No, I didn't do most of the things I wanted to because I never gave enough of a shit to take time away from enjoying the game and turning it into a chore. That's exactly the reason why I haven't joined a raid group in FFXIV.

Is it because I think I'm weak? Pfft, fuck off. I am confident if I ever did try a raid, i would destroy whatever happened to walk in front of me. Be it Alexander's various appendages, some sort of giant enemy crab, or an elezen.

Yes, I did sky raiding with an LS.  Yes, it was on a set schedule. Yes, I punched God in the face. But you know what? Looking back on it, I could have done so much more activities than setting aside 3 days a week plus Saturdays so I could kill a turtle a few times.

If I want to raid, it will be on my own terms. Bitch.

Plus anything obtained in a raid will be worthless within two patches.

Now, this post isn't only about raids or HNMs. There were other things I never got to do because I would be forced to sacrifice hours to Skylar, the God of Time.

Also, I hate working with people. They're always retarded, not me. Never.

I had large aspirations in my early years of XI. Dynamis was one of the things I enjoyed, yet as it became more and more popular, people were forced to schedule times and dates that a certain LS would enter.

Fuck that shit. Let me murder some invasive Quadav for a fancy hat.

I never got to do ZNM or Odin fights when they came out because I needed a team. I never got to do Salvage because I needed a team. I never did anything having to do with Pandemonium Warden. The Zilart missions took me years to complete. I still haven't finished CoP or ToAU because everything requires a fucking part time ingame job.

That was one of the things that infuriated me about XI. You could do nothing by yourself. At least in XIV you could join a random raid and maybe the retard your paired with will pull heads out of asses en masse just long enough to scrape a win from the bottom of the loser barrel.

But I would honestly do that over and over rather than making a game into a job. Fun and misery on my own terms, dammit.

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