Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Last, and Least

Quick, what's my least favorite place in the game?

If you said "Valkurm Dunes," you're kinda right. Here's half a taco.

The dunes were hell for anyone starting out, and it sucked for that reason. But once you got about level 30 or so, it was a fun place to be. You can go watch everyone die and not get bothered by tunnel bat aggro.

So, yeah, I hate the dunes, but it's not my least favorite place. It was a trick question because I never mentioned this area before. And for good reason: It's fucking horrible.

The place I'm speaking of?

Valley of Sorrows.

With a name that metal, I thought it would be awesome. Maybe something fun to murder or a hat to obtain. But noooo.

Now, Cape Teriggan sucks too, don't get me wrong. Both of these areas look like this:

It's like they took the dunes and wrapped it in perpetual sadness. The dunes at level 10, basically.

But at least Teriggan had stuff to kill. There were bunnies, and goblins, and crabs, and manticores, and shit-stained pants around the manticores. It was an interesting place. Shitty, but interesting.

However, Valley of Sorrows takes this and removes everything interesting about it. From what I remember, there are about 4 raptors and a big bird you can murder. Also an adamantoise NM sometimes, but that's it.

And the area is small. Super fucking tiny.

That's it. I can pee from one end to the other.

What purpose does this place serve? Aside from the San d'Oria mission, there's nothing else to do here that I recall. No beaches, nowhere to hang out that won't make you die inside.

This place lives up to its name. I am overcome with sorrow just from thinking about it. It's what I assume Azkaban prison is like.

I don't even think the monsters actually want to be in this area. They just kinda have to because they can't find the way out.

 And people actually had the audacity to want to party here.

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