Sunday, April 16, 2017

You Betcha

Think back.

Way back.

To when you were LFP in Jeuno for 7 hours.

Probably because you were a thief.

What was usually being shouted in Lower Jeuno?

No, not racist comments, but you're on the right track.

I'm talking about the good ol' casinos.  The things where you would trade someone 10k, type /random, and watch as the rules magically changed before your eyes.

Seriously, I remember one casino where your random numbers had to equal a predetermined amount in order to win x-times your money, but as I was having a heart attack thinking my 10k just turned into 100k, the rules changed to where I had to state which number I thought my numbers were going to equal before I even rolled.

Thanks for telling me after my money disappeared.

There goes a week's worth of farming.

In 2005.

You can probably just blink and make 10k these days.

Yet there were people supposedly winning all the time that we didn't realize were plants until it was too late.

One of the worst casino bets I've ever seen was a girl I was dating online. I had given her a serket ring as a gift, which was 600k at that time, and she bet it because she didn't have any money, and lost right away.

Pretty sure I saw my character about to give her the Samurai equivalent of the pimp hand.

Yes, it was her's to do with what she wanted, but I was confounded by the sheer level of retardation it took to decide on betting it rather than selling it.

I mean, selling is a sure thing. There's no way someone can fuck you out of auction house money. Unless you're like me and bought an iron ring for 200k instead of the one right above it...

Fuck you, I was probably drunk.

It's so peaceful in XIV without dipshits running crooked casinos. We're all going to be screwed when someone realizes the volume of retard floating around this game.


Nah. I'll wait until someone else does it.


Monday, April 3, 2017


Really super quick before I am forced to get rest in order to wake up for work because bills, I wanted to take this time to mention something Shiga said that makes perfect sense.

This was back around 2006ish, and still remains a pinnacle of logic. One which scholars will eventually study in the hopes of creating a better future for genetically modified humans probably called Xarthonixs'.

It might blow your mind.  Mayhap blow your soul.  I'm not sure if you're ready for this.

Prepare thyself, mortal.

Shiga: All we need to do for a red mage to solo gods is convince the developers to let them have ancient magics so they can chainspell. Also they'll need manafont so they don't run out of mp because it's gong to be a lot of spells.


Good night, everyone.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Upper Class

So guys, you wanna know something I find annoying about XIV? You don't? Too bad. My blog, remember?

There are two things I'm going to cover because I'm pooping right now and #2 means poop. It's funny, okay? Trust me.

First: I hate. And I mean H8 the strict tank-DPS-healer class system.

I was just running Brayflox on my paladin, and they healer said "fuck this" and left at the start. So it was me, a ninja,  and an arcanist, which isn't bad. Everyone knows an arcanist can heal decently. We made it to the last boss before we died so much we had to call in a healer. Not because of me. I was amazing.

But the arcanist said something that made my brain think.  He said "most people think arcanist is just a DPS, but it's actually very flexible". First thing I thought of was a sexy gymnast because boner.

Then I got to wondering... Do we really need labels? XI had none of that shit,  and everything was cool. We didn't have a specific slot you were forced to fill. If you were a warrior, you didn't have to tank.  If you were a red mage that wanted to main heal, go for it, but don't suck. So why do we need them in XIV?

If I don't want to tank as a warrior,  don't force me to tank. If an arcanist can heal,  don't force them into the DPS slot just because the symbol by their head is red. Same with samurai coming out.  Everyone is like "why is it DPS?" Well... yeah, why is it DPS? Why not just make a job and let people do what they want with it?

Which brings me to the second thing I hate: the fucking armor. Even the armor in XIV is strict. DPS armor gets DPS stats.  Healer armor gets healer stats. There's no variety for branching out. Everything in this game locks you into a set job you have to do. In XI, a bunch of different classes could wear different armor so you could pick and choose how you wanted to play each class.

Want a tanky red mage? Throw some vit on that shit. Want a thief that could heal? Ok... that's kinda retarded, but sure.  Want a black mage that could tank and heal and wield a scythe for DPS? Ok, fuck you.  Stop it.

You get my point.

There's no variety.  It's all just getting BiS armor, which ends up being one or two endgame pieces.  There's no extra stats that enhance abilities.  No reason to keep older armor except for glamour. It's all just an endless grind to get that one piece of gear for this one specific job you're tying to fill.

They're just going to keep adding new jobs and everyone is going to be pissed because it isn't the class they want. So why not just get rid of the class system and throw a bunch of new armor out there for everyone to do with what they will? At least it will make them shut up.

I hate people who bitch about things.  Especially when they make entire blogs dedicate to it.